FEature Highlight

Take your visualization to the next level with Rooms in 3D

You can select, explore, and search for specific rooms in 3D, along with your federated models, point clouds, zones, and more, with the world’s best BIM Viewer from Dalux.

Dalux BoxDalux Field
Design managementInformation managementModel ValidationOn-Site managementQuality Control & Assurance

Explore more features

Design and print customized task reports with whatever specific information you need
Dalux FieldDalux InfraField
Health & SafetyOn-Site managementQuality Control & Assurance
Stop looking through all your photo documentation and start finding exactly what you're looking for
Dalux FieldDalux InfraField
On-Site managementQuality Control & AssuranceReality Capture
Compare "as built" vs. "as designed"
Dalux Field
Reality Capture
You define the clash requirements, the design team self-checks their own models
Dalux Box
Information management
Task filters in Dalux let you see exactly what you need, when you need it
Dalux Field
Get an enhanced view of your alignments with just one click
Dalux Field

Mindenki számára ingyenes!

A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.

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Nyissa meg levelezési postaládáját, hogy hozzáférjen a Dalux projektjéhez és befejezze a regisztrációt!

Free for everyone!

Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.

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