Centre for Real Estate uses Dalux FM to streamline maintenance and operations at Herlev Hospital

Dalux FM Herlev Hospital

Dalux FM is used to ensure safe day-to-day operations for patients and healthcare professionals at Herlev Hospital, a part of Centre for Real Estate in the Capital Region of Denmark.

Karen Bak Larsen, Asset Manager at Centre for Real Estate, is responsible for planning maintenance and implementing Dalux FM at Herlev Hospital.

She oversees the registration of the many planned maintenance tasks at the hospital, thereby ensuring stable operations and avoiding unforeseen breakdowns and repairs.

“With Dalux FM, doctors and nurses can report issues from the rooms they are working in, and our operations department will be notified directly via the Dalux FM app,” explains Bak Larsen.

Karen Bak Larsen can attach service information to specific assets with Dalux FM. The system also enables technicians to access an asset and see the entire service and repair history that has been carried out in the past. According to Bak Larsen, this is a great benefit when working with maintenance and facility management.

“For me, one of the smartest things about Dalux is that it enables us to store our data on the individual asset. When a technician receives a task, he will see the history of the specific asset directly on his phone. This enables us to become better at predicting and thereby planning our maintenance efforts.” – Karen Bak Larsen, Asset Manager at Centre for Real Estate.

Read more about the Operations & Maintenance feature in Dalux FM.

About Centre for Real Estate

Centre of Real Estate is a part of the Capital Region of Denmark, an administrative region that covers 29 municipalities. More than 2,000,000 m2 of public buildings are managed by Centre for Real Estate, ranging from listed properties to new buildings. A large part of their real estate portfolio is using Dalux FM for digital maintenance and operations.


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